I don't know what to say about the name Blogger Status - except that it must have been named that way on purpose. Or did it become that way because of the acronym? The chicken, or the egg? Who will ever know?
I've been writing about Blogger Status for months. One of the problems with Blogger is The Silence. And The Silence never goes away.
This is merely the episode of January 23, 2007.
It would appear that some Blogger employees are at the beach this week. So the server outage of January 22never even made it onto Blogger Status.
(Edit 1/24 12:30):

Bet you saw this a bit too?
Not even a day up. What we see is
and when it finally comes up, the BS Message of the day
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I've been writing about Blogger Status for months. One of the problems with Blogger is The Silence. And The Silence never goes away.
This is merely the episode of January 23, 2007.
It would appear that some Blogger employees are at the beach this week. So the server outage of January 22never even made it onto Blogger Status.
(Edit 1/24 12:30):

Bet you saw this a bit too?
Not even a day up. What we see is
Blogger is undergoing unscheduled maintenance this morning. We hope to resume service shortly.
and when it finally comes up, the BS Message of the day
New Blogger has had troubles this morning, which you may have seen with slow requests and 502 error pages.No shit, Sherlock.
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