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Blogger Issuing Diagnostic Codes

Exciting news here.

It appears that Blogger, in an effort to make it possible to handle the ever increasing problem level, is now issuing problem codes, rather than diagnostic messages, when specific problems are experienced.

The old familiar, monolithic
We apologize for the inconvenience, but we are unable to process your request at this time. Our engineers have been notified of this problem and will work to resolve it.
appears to have been replaced by some very unique error codes.

Some bX codes are even explained, ever so briefly.

The character string
is nicely searchable, and should be easy to monitor in Blogger Help Group.

The best advice, when getting these mysterious codes, is as before the codes started appearing.

There is one major difference now. When you join the crowd, you can do a quick search on your particular code. Here's an example - bX-bhcxwr is fairly popular right now. Maybe somebody in one of those threads has an idea of a fix, or at least appropriate diagnostics that might head in the direction of a fix.

Use the power of peer support. And if this helps you, be sure to report your success.

Most likely, the more people that report each error code, the quicker that it can be resolved. However, we'll still have to help ourselves - this is simply an aid to help us to help ourselves.

I'll discuss these codes, and their possible uses, in my next article in this series. And then their overall benefits, in a third article.

(Edit 1/5):
It looks like we are now seeing full blown 6 character alphanumeric codes (36 ** 6 possible combinations now). Earlier we saw alphabetic codes only (giving 26 ** 6 possible combinations). Have they added codes for more failure points, just recently? Or are these previously existing failure points, that have coincidentally just become active? Only time will tell.


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