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A Problem Resolved, Or A New Mystery Begun?

So today, Blogger Support, represented by Buzzie, reported in Blogger Help Group: Publishing Trouble 24 hours of no posting, no commenting, no nothing, at 11/4 12:00
We have fixed the problem. Again, sorry for the inconvenience. if you still have trouble don't forget to mention your blog url.

The above quote was in response to yet another report of
We're sorry, but we were unable to complete your request.

an often reported problem recently.

Slightly earlier, at 11/4 11:57 we see a similar message
We have fixed the problem. Again, sorry for the inconvenience. if you still have trouble don't forget to mention your blog url.

This for todays problem, after 12 hours of hell,
Your post was not saved due to a database error. An engineer has been notified.

So what happened here? Did they fix two problems in one day, or was one problem present for the past week, and got fixed in 30 minutes? Was this yet another 30 minute fix?

For a livelier viewpoint, see Roberto's Report: Have The Chooks Come Home to Roost?.

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Anonymous said…
Hi Chuck ,
I have been seeing the same error "We're sorry, but we were unable to complete your request. " for almost 6 days now , since last Friday !

I sent blogger support an email , and I got a response that this will be taken care of .. however , its been 3 days and nothing has changed !

Please HELP !!! and let me know if it will take longer to be fixed .. I have almost forgot how my blog looked like .. i MISS IT !

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