One source of occasional confusion, seen in Blogger Help Forum: Get Help with an Issue, is about Google+ and the lack of control.
We have discussed the lack of commenting moderation options - but that's just a small part of what you don't get.
With Google+ comments, you get one setting, under "Posts and comments" - Comments.
Everything else is part of Google+, and stream behaviour.
Anybody who can see the blog can publish a comment.
Besides the lack of moderation options, the lack of control over who can comment can be disconcerting. With Google+ Comments, anybody, who has an Exciting Google+ account, can comment - just as in the Google+ stream, anybody can post anything they wish.
Unless you, the blog owner, are in a Circle that's addressed by a commenter, you won't even see a non Public comment - even if your blog is mentioned. This leads to more confusion.
Google+ will count comments that you may not get to see. This too can be disconcerting. Anybody can comment, on your blog - and you can't see the comments. Comment moderation is left to the people who can see the comments.
Google+ Comments only work for public blogs.
But there's a more intriguing oddity. We are told to use Google+ for distribution of private blog posts - but you cannot use Google+ Comments on a private blog.
Google+ hosted comments only work, with public blogs. With a private blog, you use Google+ to distribute the posts - but you can only use Blogger hosted comments.
Since automatic post sharing only works for Public shares, you have to manually share each post - so you can select the appropriate Circles to view each individual post.
If you have a private blog, your readers can discuss your blog posts, in their streams - but nothing will show up on the blog. And, they can view the blog - and possibly comment there - but nothing will show up in their streams.
We have discussed the lack of commenting moderation options - but that's just a small part of what you don't get.
Under Settings, then Posts and comments, I don't have the same choices as shown.This blog owner is used to the array of comment settings, that seem natural, to somebody using Blogger comments.
With Google+ comments, you get one setting, under "Posts and comments" - Comments.
Comment Location
Everything else is part of Google+, and stream behaviour.
Anybody who can see the blog can publish a comment.
Besides the lack of moderation options, the lack of control over who can comment can be disconcerting. With Google+ Comments, anybody, who has an Exciting Google+ account, can comment - just as in the Google+ stream, anybody can post anything they wish.
Unless you, the blog owner, are in a Circle that's addressed by a commenter, you won't even see a non Public comment - even if your blog is mentioned. This leads to more confusion.
Why does the comment count go up for this post - even with no comments visible?
Google+ will count comments that you may not get to see. This too can be disconcerting. Anybody can comment, on your blog - and you can't see the comments. Comment moderation is left to the people who can see the comments.
Google+ Comments only work for public blogs.
But there's a more intriguing oddity. We are told to use Google+ for distribution of private blog posts - but you cannot use Google+ Comments on a private blog.
Google+ hosted comments only work, with public blogs. With a private blog, you use Google+ to distribute the posts - but you can only use Blogger hosted comments.
Since automatic post sharing only works for Public shares, you have to manually share each post - so you can select the appropriate Circles to view each individual post.
If you have a private blog, your readers can discuss your blog posts, in their streams - but nothing will show up on the blog. And, they can view the blog - and possibly comment there - but nothing will show up in their streams.
I am new to Google+, is it okay I won't see non Public comments? I add people to my Circle for sharing purposes. I don't know if I am in their circle and I stay away from "Hangout" because I am not sure who I would be hanging out with. If I were a senior relative of yours, what would you suggest for settings.
I equate Google+ to the world, in general. You don't know - nor do you want to know - what other people say about you, when not said in front of you.
Some folks may address you by what they see - maybe somebody sees you walking down the street, wearing your hat - and later discusses your hat that they saw. You will, probably, never hear that conversation.
And so go Google+ streams. You do not want everybody's stream included in yours. Just enjoy contact with the folks that you know - and occasionally, add somebody new to your Circles.
It's a freedom of speech issue, not a politeness issue.
People are allowed to say what they wish, to your face - or behind your back. There is no law, or rule, that requires someone to say something - even when mentioning you, by name - to your face.
Ditto Google+ stream posts that mention your blog. Even if a post is public, how likely is it that you are Following the person who comments - even when they mention your blog?
If your name is mentioned in a newspaper article, does the newspaper send you a free copy of the paper - or even a clipping?