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Complaint Volume Affects Speed Of Abuse Resolution

We see various complaints, in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken, about perceived poor response, in removing offensive blogs.
I've reported this blog, repeatedly, for impersonating me - and it's still online!
That other blog was removed from service after only a couple of days! Why is this blog still online??
These bloggers do not understand that complaint volume, against different blogs, can affect how promptly Blogger Policy / Google Legal can take action, and remove problem blogs.

Various details affect how many complaints are placed, against any blog.

  • Offensiveness. A blatantly offensive blog will offend more people - and will be reported by more people, than a mildly offensive blog.
  • Traffic. An offensive blog that gets hundreds of hits daily will be seen by more people, than a blog that gets a few hits daily - and will be reported by more people.
  • Victims. An offensive blog that attacks hundreds of people will get reported more than a blog that is only personally offensive, to a few people.

Each of these minor details will cause some blogs to attract more complaints - and to be examined sooner, by Blogger and by Google staff.

Blogger Policy Review and Google Legal prioritise blog investigation, based on complaint report volume.

Blogs which get hundreds of complaints will receive attention sooner than blogs which only get a few complaints. In some cases, the complaint volume may even be used as a major factor, in the final decision to terminate the blog. This is simple business practice, and one more principle of Risk Management.

Knowing that complaint volume affects resolution speed, do not make unnecessary multiple complaints - maybe under multiple accounts or names. Google Security uses sophisticated traffic analysis techniques in dealing with denial of service attacks - such as referer spam, and brute force password guessing. They can apply similar techniques to determine that multiple abuse complaints, against specific blogs, are coming from one person.

Don't subject your computer, or Google account, to placement in a "Denial Of Service" complaint offender database, from detected multiple attempts to have a mildly offensive (or personally offensive) blog deleted, for odd reasons - such as you need to delete your blog, but forgot the password.

Don't misuse the abuse reporting system. Remember that the other blog owners have rights.

Report an offensive blog once - then, be patient. And let Google Legal objectively evaluate the content of the blog in question.


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