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A Tale Of Three Corporations

Here are three major players in the Internet / IT world.
  • Google.
  • Microsoft.
  • Mozilla.

I'll wager that none of the three have any executives who play golf (throw a Frisbee?) with each other, regularly.

Each company released some software, recently.
  • Google released Blogger Beta on August 14.
  • Microsoft released Internet Explorer V7 on November 14.
  • Mozilla released Firefox V2 on October 24.

Consider those dates, then tell me how likely is it that Google tested Blogger Beta to work with either Firefox V2, or Internet Explorer V7? I'll bet better than even money that neither Firefox V2, nor Internet Explorer V7, was part of the Blogger testing platform.

That being the case, maybe we can't blame Blogger for all of the problems with Blogger Beta, or with Blogger in general. If you upgraded to Firefox V2 or Internet Explorer V7 recently, and you're having problems with Blogger, maybe you need to look at your computer, before you complain to Blogger.

You probably (better) have other hardware / software that's protecting you, provided by neither of the above three, that you have to consider too.

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Anonymous said…
Oddly enough, the betas of both browsers were available long before those release dates. I'm sure they had plenty of time to do some testing.
Nitecruzr said…
Did you try either Beta? Would you, as an IT professional, test a development product (YOURS) against a BETA product? Software that is subject to change without notice?

Most professional IT organisations have strict rules against use of Beta and shareware.

Here's a reminder about what a Beta product is.
Anonymous said…
Since the rendering engine for these browsers still produces mostly the same results on most web pages as it did two years ago, why not? The changes from beta to live these days are mostly bug fixes and if there is no other version to test it against, what IT professional wouldn't test it against what's available? As far at the organizational policy, we're talking about testing a widely distributed application, not relying on it for enterprise production.
Anonymous said…
As far as it coming out of beta, did you also notice it was just after the browsers did? Think that timing is a coincidence? They tested against the betas, and when the final versions of the browsers behaved comparably, they took blogger out of beta. Today.

Nitecruzr said…
Since the rendering agent is not the same. And while FF V2 and IE V7 were in development, there's no telling what testing results could have come out.

Have you forgotten this episode maybe?
Nitecruzr said…
Have you ever done product development? You do not do product development against Beta products.

You have to start with finished products.
Anonymous said…
My family gave up using IE because of security problems. I have the Firefox browser on my computer but we only ever use it for something that really won't work in Opera.

I wish Google and Blogger would work with Opera more. My family ranges from 78 yrs to 14 yrs and a lot of the kids' friends now use Opera at home after using it on our computer. It is a great Browser for everyone so I strongly wish that Google and Blogger would make more of their applications Opera-friendly.
Nitecruzr said…
Well, Opera certainly has promise.

Maybe this is an item for the Blogger WishList?

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