If you have a web site, or another interest that's discussed in a web forum, occasionally you may need help. And no matter what your problem is, if you look long enough, chances are that you'll find a forum where your problem will, or has been, discussed. That's the nature of the web. And if you find help in a web forum, it's possible that the forum posts may refer to a web site like PChuck's Network , or maybe The Real Blogger Status , for detailed instruction. And maybe you'll be so happy to have your problem solved that you'll post a link, to the web site where you found help, in your web site. Everybody benefits, in the long term, when you add a link to a web site where you found help. The other web site benefits from the inlink. You benefit, because you have a record of where you found help, should you need it again. And your readers may benefit, should they see the link, when they need help too. In the short term, though, the situation is