Displaying code for complex objects - multimedia (audio / video) , and also photographs (thumbnail / full-size) - takes a lot of browser window space. Generally, more than a single line of text is required. Some browsers can't make line breaks on their own, and if I display a single, unbroken line of code, the code will run off the end of the post column, through the sidebar, into the background margin of the blog, and off the end of the screen. This creates two problems. It makes the code hard to read, with some code not at all visible. With some browsers, it can even cause the post column, or the sidebar column, to end up at the bottom of the page . No good for anybody, that. Whenever I display such code in my blogs, I take care to insert lots of extra line breaks. Adding line breaks makes the code easier to read, which is good. But it creates another problem. If you copy the code from the browser window, you'll copy a lot of extra line breaks, and the code won't al
What Blogger won't tell you